Born in Tokyo, Kitsuneko Nagata has been drawing ever more passionately since her early childhood. She started her career after winning an award in 2013 at the 63rd Tetsuya Chiba* Prize, “amateur manga” category, organized by the pre-publication magazine Morning (Kôdansha), which encouraged her to progress in her art.
In 2019, she published her first two-volume series with Shôgakukan, entitled Hikkoshi daimyo sanzenri (“The daimyo who moves to the other end of Japan”) and adapted from the eponymous novel by Akihiro Dobashi.
His work is notably provided by that of illustrators such as Yoshitarô Isaka and painters such as Harry Clarke, Hikozô Itô or even Kinzô Hirose.
* Author particularly known for his boxing manga Ashita no Joe.
永田 狐子(ナガタ キツネコ) 東京生まれ。幼少の頃より絵ばかり描き、好きが高じて現在に至る。 第63回ちばてつや賞一般部門出身、講談社・モーニング育ち。2019年には初連載作品『引 っ越し大名三千里』/原作・土橋章宏/全2巻/が小学館より刊行された。 影響を受けたアーティストは、伊坂芳太良、ハリー・クラーク、伊藤彦造、弘瀬金蔵…他多数! (敬称略・順不同)
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